Page name: bakas united [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-06-18 17:17:47
Last author: Raiko Fire
Owner: Raiko Fire
# of watchers: 29
Fans: 0
D20: 14
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Welocome to Bakas United!

Where an idiot can be an idoit(<----)! ^_^'

(and for people who don't know what baka means, it's Japanse for idiot, dummy, stupid, etc.)

[Keeper of Darkness]

1st offials

[Raiko Fire]-President

The Bakas (the members)

Random Fun Links-


- (Ways to annoy people) (I'm too sexy, with Snape)

- (lots of funny videos)

- (maybe a little crude at times. (Curse words and some sexual passes), but very funny.)

-Stupid Quotes

-Baka Stadium

-What's My Age Again?

Rules for Living

Gallery of Uselessness

Contests various members are holding:(Please edit out ones that are finished)


<img:>-Fox-People Army
<img:>- The Kitty Club<img:>- Fox and Hound Club
<img:>- meeps unite
<img:>- fox-halflings unite<img:>-The anime guild
Rei's Rotating JRock Files

Username (or number or email):


2004-02-24 [BakaBouya]: *gets down on all 4s and chases his butt*

2004-02-24 [Raiko Fire]: *stops and lies down in corner**stares* (this man is stupider than I thought....)

2004-02-24 [BakaBouya]: *stops and sits down, then lifts up his leg and tries to scratch his ear, then looks notices you* em.. em... dont ask...?

2004-02-24 [Raiko Fire]: *tilts head sideways* *curls up in a ball goes to sleep* n.n

2004-02-24 [raynesprite]: HI ALL!!! *shifts to wolf form to join the fun*

2004-02-24 [Kai Ken]: hi

2004-02-24 [BakaBouya]: hello

2004-02-24 [Kai Ken]: how are u

2004-02-24 [YokoTsuta]: *appears in fox from and jumps on Rei* Whee!

2004-02-24 [BakaBouya]: im alright, hows you?

2004-02-24 [Kai Ken]: goods me

2004-02-24 [BakaBouya]: thats dandy...

2004-02-24 [Kai Ken]: huh? me who?   


2004-02-24 [BakaBouya]: *looks down* interresting..? but i dont understand..

2004-02-24 [Raiko Fire]: o.o *gets squished by yoko* (lose...weight...)

2004-02-24 [Kai Ken]: ok T_T

2004-02-24 [YokoTsuta]: kasshite! besides, I look lighter than YOU!!! Mwahahaha! get skinnier!

2004-02-24 [Raiko Fire]: I have poofy hair, get over it T.T see if I bring you to Anime Nation again...keep it up...

2004-02-24 [YokoTsuta]: fine, but your hair isn't the problem.

2004-02-24 [Raiko Fire]: *"looks"*

2004-02-24 [YokoTsuta]: *closes eyes and whacks LASSEY*

2004-02-24 [Raiko Fire]: ¬¬; what? (btw, edit the RP!)

2004-02-24 [YokoTsuta]: too late.

2004-02-25 [raynesprite]: ? hi ?

2004-02-25 [Kai Ken]: hgi

2004-02-25 [raynesprite]: ?

2004-02-25 [Kai Ken]: hi i mean

2004-02-25 [raynesprite]: oh hi...:)

2004-02-25 [Kai Ken]: how r u

2004-02-25 [raynesprite]: Im okay...

2004-02-25 [Kai Ken]: yay

2004-02-25 [raynesprite]: :P

2004-02-25 [Kai Ken]: XD

2004-02-25 [raynesprite]: lol I can do that too see: XD

2004-02-25 [Kai Ken]: oops.... ^^

2004-02-25 [raynesprite]: 98234758-2385734859734857*(&*%^$#%)*(#)*(^#%%#?

2004-02-25 [Kai Ken]: ^↔^

2004-02-25 [raynesprite]: really?

2004-02-25 [Kai Ken]: huh?

2004-02-25 [raynesprite]: ?

2004-02-25 [Kai Ken]: what relly? X)

2004-02-25 [raynesprite]: ?

2004-02-25 [Kai Ken]: '?

2004-02-25 [raynesprite]: ?

2004-02-25 [YokoTsuta]: ¿ <-- hehe  hi, everyone!

2004-02-26 [Kai Ken]: hi

2004-02-26 [Raiko Fire]: ¬¬ ¤.¤ µ.µ «.«

2004-02-26 [Kai Ken]: hee

2004-02-26 [YokoTsuta]: how do you do the star-ish eyes?

2004-02-26 [Raiko Fire]: alt 9999

2004-02-26 [Kai Ken]: ^↔^ ↕

2004-02-26 [Kai Ken]: ╔Î%╗¼¡8╩╩¡F├ª«¼ÁáY┘Ðÿ89¡7878◄H►┴↓45-5-45--4545--45555-

2004-02-26 [Raiko Fire]: Katie, take the eric off of the anime art contest, he doesn't want people to know

2004-02-26 [YokoTsuta]: okay.

2004-02-27 [inazuma]: Oro... @.@;

2004-02-27 [Raiko Fire]: how do you get the arrows?

2004-02-27 [Kai Ken]: ↔↕

2004-02-27 [Raiko Fire]: yeah, those

2004-02-27 [Kai Ken]: oh.. its 89   2times and at the sametime

2004-02-27 [Raiko Fire]: &¬&&¬cxX?&¬¬? not working...>.<

2004-02-27 [Kai Ken]: its alt 8989 not like 8 9 8 9 like sametime

2004-02-27 [Raiko Fire]: nope, not working. oh well

2004-02-27 [Kai Ken]: ok

2004-02-28 [panther_shadow]: ah! i must join! i am an idjit! ^______^

2004-02-28 [YokoTsuta]: not working for me either and you'll have to wait till Rei gets back on.

2004-02-28 [Raiko Fire]: hmm?

2004-02-28 [YokoTsuta]: panther_shadow wants to join and the alt 8989 thing doesn't work on either of my computers.

2004-02-28 [Kai Ken]: well maby we have defrent keyboards

2004-02-28 [YokoTsuta]: that's possible, all mine are old as dirt.

2004-02-28 [oxyJ3N]: dirt?

2004-02-28 [oxyJ3N]: thats old!!!

2004-02-28 [YokoTsuta]: no dip.

2004-02-28 [oxyJ3N]: sherlock

2004-02-28 [YokoTsuta]: no, EMILY!!!

2004-02-28 [oxyJ3N]: *starts riot* no more emily die emily!!! good bye emily kill emily!!!

2004-02-28 [YokoTsuta]: *whacks you on the head*DIE!!

2004-02-28 [oxyJ3N]: what? you want Emily to live?

2004-02-28 [YokoTsuta]: no, think it through, you might get the joke.

2004-02-29 [FukaiMori]: oh! I'm an idiot!

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: *pats on back* That's great!

2004-02-29 [FukaiMori]: hey! evil sarcasim...

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: that was not!

2004-02-29 [FukaiMori]: sure...

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: I would have said 'Welcome to the ' and ended with something funny.

2004-02-29 [Raiko Fire]: I love the little Skywalker one...

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: you mean one

2004-02-29 [Raiko Fire]: <img:>

2004-02-29 [Vynnie]: hahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa that sounds like something my friend would say!

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: Jeez Where Am I ? Did I get lost again stupid Jon...

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: no, you didn't gewt lost!

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: ....

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: Oh, Good....

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: yes, I've directed another lost soul to this gathering of stupidness! YAY!!

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: I now remember that my sister used to always call me a baka...

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: lol

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: Uhhhh....Stupid people unite!...(yeah gettin the hang of this...)

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: I knew you would!

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: uhh...Atreyu Rules....(Band and Name....)

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: huh?

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: Now...How does one go by joinin up on this here wiki....

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: I'll put you on the list.

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: Atreyu's a band... I think....Oh, and it's a name...

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: I put you on!

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: O.K. Cool....

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: ALRIGHT!!!!!....

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: heehee!

2004-02-29 [Raiko Fire]: ....

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: So.....Uhhh...What Now......

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: Party???...

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: uh.............I've never figured that out.

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: Yes???...NO???...Maybe???.....

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: Uhhhh....OK?...

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: parties are good.....IS THERE RUM??? *looks around wildly* WHERE IS IT?!

2004-02-29 [Raiko Fire]: *picks up a weddingcake and throws it at Katie* ^-^

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: .............................................

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: oh, yeah....Party time................!!!!!!........

2004-02-29 [Raiko Fire]: *shoves cake up cat demon jenny's nose*

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: .....

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: Yeah, Get the kegs....yeah!!!!?....

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: what did you do that for i cant eat it like that!

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: *drops cake down the back of Katie's shirt*

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: keg fart!

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: CAKE!!!!

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: KEGS!!!!! OF RUM!!!!

2004-02-29 [Raiko Fire]: o.o it's squishy! *shoves the rest of it down the front of yoko's*

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: i dont want cake that way

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: you can skip my turn

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: *shoves cake down Jenny's shirt*

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: i told you to


my turn

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: havin tech probs hold on

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: You deserve to have your turn in all this. *puts more down your shirt*

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: ahhh screw it....

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: nyah

2004-02-29 [VictoryBulldog]: G2G,bye

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: bye! nyah!

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: i dont want cake anymore

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: you've said that

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: i know

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: i dont like cake any more

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: *laughs*

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: ....not funny i really used to like cake

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: I hate cake!

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: who dosent like cake whats wrong with you

2004-02-29 [Raiko Fire]: no, u love cake, u hate frosting ^^

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: oh yeah your left handed

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: thats your excuse

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: how does that make a difference? and yep, that's true Rei

2004-02-29 [Raiko Fire]: yes, because you won't share cake at school if it has no frosting

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: ...because every one has an excuse katies is that she eats oat meal mine is that i am related to emily &donna karas is that she is blond and yours is that your left handed

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: it's my cake if it has no frosting. all you other peoples can eat your nasty frosting on your own cake.

2004-02-29 [Raiko Fire]: you messed that up. I eat oatmeal with a baby spoon ^^

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: i dont like frosting that much it tastes too much like whipcream

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: I like whip cream

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: i hate milk

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: yes and i know you do to

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: thats why i dont like whip cream

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: and thats why i dont like frosting

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: HI

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: hello!

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: ......

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: ^^x

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: @.@x'-oro

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: *laughs* ¤¤

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: watsuki is still a lier

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: did you read your mail thingy that katie sent to you about what happend with me and the coldpill

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: yep, and I can read it in your mood. watsuki IS still liar. you spelled liar wrong, too.

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: nyah...

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: nyah nyah nyah nyah

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah......meeep!!!

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: you know that song that says meow meow meow meow over and over again?

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: the meow mix one

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: yeah, you can change it so that it's the nyah song

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: lol.....

2004-02-29 [Vynnie]: lol... haha thats even more annoying than the cow song... cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow cow

2004-02-29 [Vynnie]: once i was writing meow on a piece of paper for no reason over and over and i wrote Weom once... O.- -twitch- im so hyper right now

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: ....

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: yeah...

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: ...

2004-02-29 [Vynnie]: no... never...

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: ....

2004-02-29 [Vynnie]: ..........

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: .....@.@x'-oro!

2004-02-29 [Vynnie]: ...

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: ^^

2004-02-29 [Raiko Fire]: *shoves cake down yoko's shirt*

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: ...

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: gack! *runs to another room to get it out*

2004-02-29 [Raiko Fire]: *laughs* *shoves cake down Jenny's shirt*

2004-02-29 [oxyJ3N]: .....iam going to leave idont wantcake

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: *comes back (wihtout the cake down her shirt) and laughs at Jenny*

2004-02-29 [Vynnie]: what KIND of cake?

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: Ice Cream!

2004-02-29 [Raiko Fire]: T.T carrot

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: ewww!!!

2004-02-29 [Vynnie]: carrot?! ARE YOU MAD?!

2004-02-29 [YokoTsuta]: ice cream better! ^^ (and yummy)

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